AppStoreResearch Blog

AppStoreResearch Blog

ASR Blog

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Jun 1, 2024

Jun 1, 2024

Jun 1, 2024




Blog Post Image - How to write great screener questions
Blog Post Image - How to write great screener questions
Blog Post Image - How to write great screener questions

Having a solid screening survey is key to getting the right folks for your study and, in the end, collecting top-notch feedback.

Screener surveys are surveys that people complete before joining a research study. They consist of a few questions to filter out those who aren't your target audience and engage with those who are.

Dec 6, 2024

Dec 6, 2024

Dec 6, 2024




The "Project title" and "Description" are visible to all potential participants in our network before they apply to participate.

These two sections are important to get right in order to attract the best possible participants for your project. Once the participant can identify themself within your project description and pre-requisites, the can take your screener.

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Make AppStoreResearch your home for user research

Make AppStoreResearch your home for user research


Make AppStoreResearch your home for user research